Social History
Date Assessment Value
WE Care Survey
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you have a high school degree? No
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If no, would you like help to get a GED? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you have a job? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If no, would you like help with finding employment and or job training? Maybe Later
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you need daycare for your child? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, would you like help finding it? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you think you are at risk of becoming homeless? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, would you like help with this? No
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, is this an emergency? No
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you always have enough food for your family? No
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If no, would you like help with this? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, do you need food for tonight? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: Do you have trouble paying your heating bill and or electricity bill? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, would you like help with this? Yes
06/22/2015 WE CARE Question: If yes, are you at risk of having your utilities shut off in the next week? No